Monday, February 9, 2009

The many faces of Presli!!

This weekend Presli wanted to take some Valentine pictures. So I agreed it would be a great idea. Why not? I don't get to take as many pictures of my own children. Well by the end of the shoot, I had decided I love my children dearly, but it is easier to take pictures of other children. Presli is very independent, so she decided what the picture was to look like. Enjoy!!!
I can remember what she was saying during this shot. "Mommy, look I can touch my ear with my foot!"

In this one, she wanted to pout and use her "puppy eyes". This was hard for her since she is always laughing and smiling.

OK this is the story here. Presli will be turning 4 on March 4. My baby is no longer a baby! We always have a special portrait taken for her birthday and then use it as her party invitation. She was dying to wear her new skirt. I love these shots and they will be great in her scrapbook. The invitation photo is not ready yet; but I will share it soon.

Amber came back for more of her senior portraits. Here are just a few. I am still working on them. She is a senior at Laurel Hill. I just love Laurel Hill; it is so family-oriented. Several of my best friends' children attend that school.

I just love ripped jeans. I would wear them daily with a comfy tee if I could get away with it.

OMG!! Thanks for the comments on the quote. I love the one about putting it on a mirror. I am so glad many of your have enjoyed it. Feel free to comment on anything. I really like reading what everyone thinks and feels. Have great week and get outside and soak up some sunshine!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter is beautiful and what a personality! I love her name; she'll probably always be able to go on a one-name basis and everyone will know exactly who you're asking for. My daughter and I love the blog; what a great addition to your website. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pics and keep up the good work!
